I am currently an MFA Graphic Design candidate at Iowa State University with a BFA in Interior Design from Iowa State. I enjoy exploring art and design in various methods whether that is graphic design, interior design, fine arts, or social media. I am very passionate about design and I hope to one day change the world with my art but until then I am attempting to improve the city of Ames, IA. I have accomplished this by renovating a student lounge in a local parish, creating the set for the first COVID-safe outdoor Fashion Show, creating a better management system through design in a local cafe, and displaying art pieces in local galleries. Along with that, I have created my own small business where I create one of a kind earrings, tote bags, crochet products, photography sessions, and live wedding portraits. I use this opportunity as a chance to share art with as many people as possible knowing it is making an impact on the world. ​​​​​​​

Iowa State Graduation Spring 2022 BFA Interior Design

In my free time I like to get out of the studio and explore in nature whether that is going for a hike, taking my long board down to the river, or going for a drive on country roads. I have a lot of aesthetic experiences while in nature and my best ideas come when I am unplugged and outdoors. I am very passionate about and practice sustainability by avoiding single use materials in art and every day life. I enjoy taking my creativity to the kitchen with a new dish or to Spotify in exploring new music. Art drives my life and I find inspiration from Maya Angelou when she said, "You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have." The more art I do, the more inspired I am and I hope you can see that reflected in my website. If you would like to contact me, connect with me on LinkedIn, or even follow my instagram, please fill out the contact form! ​​​​​​​
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