This assignment was called "Spread Your Message." The message I chose to spread was "Be An Outfit Repeater." I started by going to a Goodwill bins where I hunted for Blue, Black, Red, and White shirts. Once I acquired about 20 shirts I began cutting them into tote bags, making sure to save the scapes for a future Zero Waste Piece. I then hand carved a stamp with the phrase, "Be An Outfit Repeater" on it. After sewing the bags I stamped each one. A flyer was placed in each bag with a QR code to the website I created. This website contained information on how to make your own tote bag, where to shop sustainably online and locally, and other resources on sustainable fashion. I made 20 tote bags in total and to receive one the participant had to complete a quick survey about their shopping habits and knowledge on sustainable fashion. 

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